(Disk 2).dmg/Shareware World/Graphics/quicknailer-en-de-fr-170/QuickNailer Help/image/navigation_index.gif) |
Quick Start Tutorial
First Time Importing Images
The * indicates a required action.
* Launch the QuickNailer application program.
Press [
to bring the Thumbnails Window to the front.
Switch to the Finder.
* System 7.5 or newer users: Drag a folder containing images to the Thumbnails
System 7.1 users: Drag a folder containing images to the QuickNailer program
icon or press [
O] and click Open All.
Select a thumbnail by clicking or use the arrow keys.
Press [RETURN] to view the thumbnail's image or movie in its own window.
Press [
to close the image or movie window (or press [OPTION] with [
W] to close all image and movie windows.)
Press [
to show the Thumbnails panel of the Settings Window or choose Thumbnails
from the Settings menu.
Set the Dimensions: pop-up menu to 112 pixels. The thumbnails
will change to this size.
Checkmark the Folder check box to show folder names.
Click the Folder radio button to sort by folder names.
Choose Thumbnails from the Window menu to show the Thumbnails
Press [
to hide the Thumbnails Window.
Press [
to show the Thumbnails Window. Notice that the thumbnails were not removed.
Press [
to remove all thumbnails.
First Time Creating Linked Web Pages
The * indicates a required action.
* Import 4 images (see above example).
Resize the Thumbnails Window with the grow box until there are 2 thumbnails
per row.
 (Disk 2).dmg/Shareware World/Graphics/quicknailer-en-de-fr-170/QuickNailer Help/image/quick_start_import.gif/quick_start_import.gif)
Press [
(it is on the tilde key with U.S. keyboards) to show the HTML settings
panel. (Disk 2).dmg/Shareware World/Graphics/quicknailer-en-de-fr-170/QuickNailer Help/image/quick_start_settings_html.gif/quick_start_settings_html.gif)
Checkmark the Unixable File Names so that all file names will
be converted for use on your ISP's internet Unix based file server.
Checkmark the Create Image Folder so that all image files created
or copied will go into a sub-folder called "image".
Click the bottom half of the globe icon twice to show the HTML Index
settings panel.
Set the Map/Thumbnails Are: pop-up menu to JPEG (Balance)
so that the thumbnails will be medium quality JPEG compressed images.
 (Disk 2).dmg/Shareware World/Graphics/quicknailer-en-de-fr-170/QuickNailer Help/image/quick_start_settings_index.gif/quick_start_settings_index.gif)
Make sure that Saving Index Creates is set to HTML Files.
Click the bottom half of the globe icon to show the HTML Link settings
Set the Link Page Images Are: pop-up menu to Format Converted/Cross
Platform Copies. Note: Try Macintosh Aliases for faster results
when experimenting.
 (Disk 2).dmg/Shareware World/Graphics/quicknailer-en-de-fr-170/QuickNailer Help/image/quick_start_settings_link.gif/quick_start_settings_link.gif)
Press [
to show the Thumbnails settings panel.
Set the Background: pop-up menu to Ltr. Green.
Set the Grid: pop-up menu to None. You could also uncheck
the Size, Dimensions, or even the File Name
if you wish.
* Press [
8] to show the Thumbnails Window.
* Press [
K] (it is on the vertical bar key with U.S. keyboards) to Export....
The save file dialog box will appear. (Disk 2).dmg/Shareware World/Graphics/quicknailer-en-de-fr-170/QuickNailer Help/image/quick_start_menu_file.gif)
Click the Desktop button.
Click the New Folder button.
Type a name for the web files' folder.
 (Disk 2).dmg/Shareware World/Graphics/quicknailer-en-de-fr-170/QuickNailer Help/image/quick_start_folder.gif/quick_start_folder.gif)
Click the Create button.
* Set the Type: pop-up to HTML Linked Image Pages & Index
* Checkmark Preview Via Browser.
 (Disk 2).dmg/Shareware World/Graphics/quicknailer-en-de-fr-170/QuickNailer Help/image/quick_start_export.gif/quick_start_export.gif)
* Click the Save button.
Locate your web browser, if asked, and click the Open button.
If your web browser didn't launch, try rebuilding the Finder Desktop database.
Choose Finder Shortcuts from the Finder's Help menu for instructions.
 (Disk 2).dmg/Shareware World/Graphics/quicknailer-en-de-fr-170/QuickNailer Help/image/quick_start_netscape.gif/quick_start_netscape.gif)
Transfer these files to your web site. If you are uploading to an ISP,
be sure to configure your FTP software for transfer of data forks only
in raw data mode.
 (Disk 2).dmg/Shareware World/Graphics/quicknailer-en-de-fr-170/QuickNailer Help/image/quick_start_finder.gif/quick_start_finder.gif)
test_images.html is the primary source of the example index